The Most Whimsical Customs, Brews, and Traditions of Foreign Countries

Julia Schneider

Each country possesses its unique culture, resulting in distinctive peculiarities and customs. The behaviors and traditions across the globe vary significantly, often leading travelers to experience culture shock. However, these differences make other cultures intriguing. To ensure you can enjoy your vacation seamlessly, we’ve compiled some facts for you. Let’s explore the phrase “other countries, other customs” with firsthand insights gathered from members of the Leb Bunt association. Here are some of the most bizarre habits.

Caste Society in India – A Country of Vegetarians
Imagine living in a society where your social status is determined by birth, and you can’t escape this caste throughout your life. In many areas of social life in India, this is still the prevailing custom due to Hinduism. People are assigned to a caste at birth, influencing their profession, partner, and even their place of residence.
If you are a guest in this colorful country, you should also know that many Indians are vegetarians for religious reasons. Some animals like cows, elephants, monkeys, and even rats are sacred. Also, don’t go to the barber on a Tuesday or Friday: It’s bad luck. Furthermore, it is a bad omen if a cat crosses your path, especially if you are facing an exam. Most people think that they will fail the exam if this happens.
Funny Indian Proverbs:
• You can believe a thief but not a short person.
• To play the Trumpet in front of a Buffalo and think that she will dance. It is usually said when you know that the person in front of you will not understand what you are trying to explain.

Japan – From Bows to Slippers
In Japan, greeting rituals hold immense importance, with bowing being the preferred form of greeting. When entering someone’s house, it’s customary to remove your street shoes to maintain cleanliness, as the Japanese strictly distinguish between “clean” and “unclean” places.
Funny Saying of Japan: “Hana tori dango” (Dango before flowers), expressing the priority of substance over style.

Chinese Table Manners and Green Hats
Chinese customs, especially in rural areas, may appear contrary to German norms. Noisy eating gestures, such as smacking or slurping, are considered signs of respect and politeness in China. Interestingly, putting coins in dumplings is a tradition, and the lucky person who finds them is believed to receive good fortune. Wearing a green hat, however, signifies that one’s partner is having an affair.

Spain – The Land of Late Eaters
Spaniards are known as “late connoisseurs,” with dinner usually served around 9 to 10 pm. In Madrid, the festivities around San Isidro Labrador include dressing up, dancing chotis in the streets, and enjoying traditional foods like limonada and rosquillas.
Funny Wisdom of Spain: “No se puede hacer tortilla sin romper los huevos” (You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs), emphasizing the inevitability of making mistakes or sacrifices to achieve something.

Drinking Habits in Australia
In Australia, you might encounter the “Shoey,” a drinking habit that involves consuming a drink from a shoe, an experience suited for those with adventurous tastes.
Funny Saying of Australia: “No worries, mate!” (Everything is everything.)

If you’d like to delve deeper into diverse cultures and nations, consider becoming a member of the Leb Bunt association, where over 35 cultures converge in a unique celebration of colorful diversity.
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